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|||To be absolutely sure, take it to a Louis Vuitton retailer. Any salesperson there should be able to easily tell the difference between a genuine Louis Vuitton and a fake.|||You can tell because the L%26amp;V are NEVER cut off at the seams.|||Here's a site that should answer all your questions about your bag:鈥?/a>|||Take it so an LV store, LV keeps track of their bags through things like serial numbers and other tools that the chinese cannot duplicate.|||type in google "how to stop a fake louis vuitton" i've got that bag! oh and a cheap real place (i asked the louis vuitton store) is!|||Well the fact that you are questoining it;s authenticity is a pretty good indicator that it;s fake -- you would know if people in your life would be willing to drop hundreds of dollars on you or not.
If you do take it to LV make sure to ask for a manager - the resular sales people are not trained to spot fakes.
Faking is a BILLION dollar business so they make them look GOOD sometimes - they can often seem real -- the leather will oxidize - all the codes and stamping will be correct.
Your best bet is to post some pics of The Purse Forum and the ladies there can help:鈥?/a>
Here is a site that shows some easy ways to tell if it;s fake -- like bad alignment etc.鈥?/a>
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