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|||Sometimes it is very difficult to tell whether or not a bag is authentic, because a lot of the fake ones they make these days are very good quality.
I recommend that you take the purse to a Louis Vuitton dealer near you and have them identify the bag. Chances are good that they will know their quality better than anyone else.
Also, you can look up the serial number of the bag and call the company directly. With the serial number they should be able to tell you whether or not you have an authentic bag.|||Well if you and your mom are concerned that you might have bought a fake because she got it on Ebay or any other suspicious website.
The answer is simple contact Louis Vuitton ask them who are there official retails and if she did not buy it from one of them then the bag is a fake.
If she got it on Ebay don't even bother to call Louis Vuitton its a fake, fake, fake.
Now if you are the only one that's worried. That is a different issue. Don't worry its authenticity and appreciate the gift.
Your mother was nice enough to buy you a gift. She probably did her best to get you what you wanted within her budget. Never look a gifted horse in the mouth. If you like the bag then don't worry about its and enjoy it.|||count the number of colors on the purse. i think real ones have 36 different colors. also if one of the lvs r red it probably a fake. check this website to find out more
http://reviews.ebay.com/Louis-Vuitton-Is鈥?/a>|||Haha Hey!
I was just thinkin that before i clicked into the question..
I agree with the First answer... Ask her! (although i guess its fake if you dont trust your mum).|||it probably is, knockoffs cant use the LV symbol because its copyrighted
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