Monday, November 14, 2011

Where can I sell my Louis Vuitton replicas?

I have alot of Louis Vuitton really high quailty replicas, even with the correct date codes. I know I can't sell them on ebay where else can I sell them? Any ideas would be welcomed, thanks.|||Go to Make sure you say "replica"... You don't want to fool the people there and make them feel really bad. There's many people who sell high-quality replicas.|||You can take them to a local consignment shop. That's what I do with mine. They sell pretty fast there. Just price it the way you want to and they will take over from there. Drop in every once in a while to see if they have sold it yet.|||Maybe if you posted why you can't sell them on E-bay you'd get more helpful responses. I agree with the other girl, I know plenty of people who've bought/sold knock offs on ebay, you just have to be honest and say they're knock offs.

BTW, terrorism isn't funded by knock offs. Get a clue||| is a great website for replica's.||||||You really can't sell those on ebay? I see replicas being sold on there all the time. But I think the thing is you can't claim it to be authentic, you have to let people know its a replica.|||you could become a street vendor like on the streets of new york or other cities.|||Dont you know that illegal|||You should throw them out. There is no such thing as a good replica. And there is now way you have the correct date codes, because only LV can have those, all the codes found on the internet aren't real.

Fake bags support terrorism.

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