Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Should you buy a fake louis vuitton or a real longchamp?

Longchamp handbags are really popular where I live, but I'm worried that once I get one it'll go out of style. I also really like Louis Vuitton but of course I don't have 1,500$ to spend. The Longchamp and Fake louis vuitton are around 150$.|||It would all depend on the reason you're getting that particular brand to begin with. If you're choosing those brands simply because of the physical appearance than by all means go with a replica. However, if it's because of the high quality and the fact that it will last you forever, than it's worth it to save up for it. If you're concerned about it being too trendy and fading out like trends do than don't spend the money on an authentic if in a year or two it will collect dust in your closet.

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with buying a replica as long as you're confident enough to withstand any remarks made by those who do know their bags. A lot of people will say it hurts the integrity of the company, but I feel that those who can afford the real thing will step it up and pay for it anyway.

I can tell you that Louis Vuittons have been around for a very long time and have not gone out of style though. :) Whether you choose to go replica or authentic, I would go with Louis Vuitton. Especially if everyone around has Longchamp... it will make you stand out and it's a timeless piece.

***Sorry... that's probably more than you wanted to know!***|||Do not get a fake bag. Everyone can tell when designer bags are fakes, it's very easy to spot, and if it's $150 it's not going to be good quality.

Get the longchamp. They'll never go out of style since they're simply bags. If you get it in a neutral color, you'll be able to use it for a long time. I have a longchamp le pliage large in navy and I've had it for 2 years, used it for school, and it's still holding up.|||get a fake. they look the same and who cares if it's louis vuitton, it's just a name. if it looks the same, then get the cheaper one.|||Ew, don't get a fake Louis. Most people (unless they're completely out of touch with fashion) will notice that it's fake. The longchamp is classic and won't go out of style!|||I would not get a fake bag

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