I'm interested in knowing how long does it take louis vuitton handbags to turn from the light color to brown. in particular the speedy handbag.|||It depends on the usage and how you store your bag. The handles start to change color when exposed to air, sunlight, and dirt from our hands. The more you carry it, the process will progress faster.|||it might change as you use it|||Ummmm it's not supposed to... well mine don't and they are ALL 100% real , LOL!|||Depends on how often you use it. But they all do, if they're real!|||First off, is it a mirror image bag? Like one from http://www.exquisitebag.com? They carry replicas identical to the original, which are often sold on eBay. So make sure it is authentic by taking it into a store! Their handles will even oxidize at the same rate as the original.
Further, to speed up the process, I highly suggest taking it in the bathroom with you when you shower. These bags turn dark as a result of oxidization, so this will speed the process. Also, the more your bag is actually outdoors will also speed the process, so take it out! Let it be seen :)
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