I'm a first time buyer and was thinking about buying a louis vuitton bag on ebay but many seem to be fake!
I called paypal to ask what them what happens and they said that if ebay doesn't reimburse you within 10 days you have to send the item back to the seller and they will. Does anyone know anything about this?|||Do your research on how to spot a fake Louis bag (youtube is GREAT for those types of informative videos) and then look very closely at the bags listed on eBay.
Another tip is to look at their (the seller's feedback) and if they sell a huge volume of these bags. If the seller sells hundreds of Louis bags, chances are, they might be fake.
Good luck to you.|||I agree with Lovin' Life As Mama %26amp; Wife's suggestion to research how to spot a fake bag first. Think about it, you're throwing down hundreds of dollars for an item on eBay that's often counterfeited, you should take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your money by doing a little research. YouTube videos are an easy way to do this, a quick Google search for "How to spot a fake Louis Vuitton bag" is good too.
And if you find a bag you really want and can't authenticate it yourself there are forums out there full of people who've dealt with and seen hundreds of LV bags that can tell you whether or not something is real. The purseblog forum is one good resource for this:
http://forum.purseblog.com/louis-vuitton鈥?/a>|||I wouldn't count on anything being sold on ebay to be what it says it is. But if you go that route, make sure you check out the seller's ratings and read the comments from their customers to see if they had a positive experience before you pony up any cash. Sellers don't always give refunds and ebay rarely steps in to fix anything.|||Well, I have been to France personally and many people sell rip off louis vuitton bags on the streets. The REAL bags are like $1,000 (and that's as cheap as they get) So, i would say they are most likely fake. Sorry. :(
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